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17th June 2024

Dear Parent/Carers


We are very pleased to issue our tickets for the PTFA Summer Fair raffle today and these will be distributed in children's bags today.


Please put sold raffle ticket stubs and money in an envelope and drop them off in the school office any time up until the morning of Friday 28th June.  This year we have some great prizes up for grabs including a £200 Amazon voucher, beauty vouchers, restaurant vouchers and a bunch of other prizes.

Please don't hesitate to ask for more if required, there are plenty available at the school office.  


Thank you as always for your continued support.





PTFA Welcome Letter September 2023



Dear Parent / Carer,


Did you know that Crawshawbooth PTFA have raised over £50,000 for the school in the last nine years alone? 


These vital funds have enabled us to buy important extras for the school which the school budget simply doesn’t stretch to. 

We’ve paid for ICT equipment (£3600), iPads (£2000), Laptops (£7500), outdoor equipment (£6700), playground markings (£2500), books (£5000), stage lighting (£3795) and maths software (£5000). 


We’ve also contributed to the outdoor building (£4850) and the outdoor classroom (£1500). All of these have helped the wonderful pupils and staff to share an even more enjoyable and productive learning journey together. 


This staggering achievement has only been possible thanks to your continued generosity and the support we have received from staff, parent volunteers and local businesses over the years. We couldn’t have done it without you…And we still can’t!


Now, more than ever, we need new volunteers. With several PTFA members due to move on in the next year as their children leave for high school, we face a very real risk of having insufficient numbers to carry on. We need you to contribute as much or as little time as you can to help us continue doing what we do best: putting smiles on the faces of pupils and supporting the school. 


As a volunteer, you could help us to prepare for our summer and Christmas fairs, serve food and drinks at school discos or by bringing your own ideas, skills and expertise. No experience necessary: the only thing you need is the enthusiasm to become part of something special!


If you’d like to find out more, please email or ring the school office on 01706 228664. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 


Crawshawbooth PTFA
