Welcome to Class 2
Class Teacher
Mrs Holden (Monday, Tuesday and Friday) and Mrs Masser (Wednesday and Thursday)
Class Teaching Assistant
Ms Pugh
Spring Term 1
Our theme this half term is Lost in Space!
This term our topic is based around Space. The children will be looking at fiction and non-fiction books about the Solar System, Astronauts, Aliens and the Moon.
In the first week we will be learning about one of our school values - resilience. We will be reading the story The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds, we will be creating some art work based on our own dot designs!
In phonics, we will start to learn the Phase 3 phonemes and tricky words, and use our new phonic knowledge to blend and segment words for reading and writing. In Maths, we will Counting and Comparing, Partitioning, Understanding 'Teens' Numbers, learning about Distance (length, height, width), Mass, Weight, Capacity and Volume and Shapes.
Our theme in PE is Space. We will continue to develop our gross motor and fundamental movement skills during our indoor and outdoor PE sessions. We will also practise our letter formation, using the red rose ditties and weekly handwriting sessions as support. We will also develop our listening and attention skills, speaking skills, and social skills through our opportunities to play and circle times. For expressive arts and design, we will be creating a rocket space scene inspired by the rocket paintings by Peter Thorpe.
Home Learning
Please try to read your home reading book for 5 minutes each evening to consolidate what we have learned in school.
Online Resources
https://www.classdojo.com/ Class Dojo - for parental communication and reminders, photographs of activities at school, etc.
Topmarks (EYFS games)
Phonics play (Phase 2/3 games).
Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday.
Please arrive to school in your PE kit:
Plain, dark tracksuit bottoms/Plain, dark shorts
Plain white t-shirt
Blue school jumper/cardigan/hoodie (no other hoodies)
No earrings
Home Learning
| Reading | Online Learning Children should access each online learning platform 3 times a week | Home Learning Grid These are suggested home learning tasks that promote curiosity in the subjects the children are currently learning. |
| Daily reading |
| Home Learning Grid
KS1 | Daily reading
Reading Miles Passport | Year 1 Year 2
| Home Learning Grid
LKS2 | Daily reading
Reading Miles Passport |
| Home Learning Grid
UKS2 | Daily reading
Reading Miles Passport |
| Home Learning Grid
The children’s passwords are in the front of the green reading record.
Class dojo is used for parental communication, reminders and for photos of activities at school