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Behaviour and Relationships

Our vision, values and learning behaviours at Crawshawbooth all help to reward and promote positive learning behaviours in and outside of school.

Our school promotes a calm and caring learning environment where children have a voice and are challenged to be the best versions of themselves at all times.

The whole school community, including: children, staff, governors and parents are responsible for promoting positive learning behaviours.

We regard good learning behaviours as a highly important aspect of children's education and development; that they learn to behave well towards others and towards the community in which they live. Good learning behaviours underpin good personal and social skills in order to live fulfilling and rewarding lives as adults.


Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe


Behaviour Management

Classroom behaviour management may include:

  • Targeting specific learning behaviours using dojo awards
  • Modelling and naming the values of Respect, Resilience and Curiosity
  • Early interventions
  • Involvement of parents
  • Working with outside agencies –and others (as appropriate)
  • Staff development – relevant professionals to support (as appropriate)
  • De-escalation techniques and Nurture support


The Five Pillars

Our Relationships Policy is based on these Five Pillars:

  • Consistent, calm adult behaviour.
  • First attention for best conduct.
  • Relentless routines.
  • Scripting difficult interventions.
  • Restorative follow up.

Recognition of good behaviour, achievement, attainment, kindness come in a variety of different forms and are given by all members of our school staff. Rewards must be attainable for all children and not just for a selected few. Rewards will never be taken away from a child.

The first and foremost form of recognition is through positive praise, enthusiasm, body language and oral recognition with feedback.

Specific rewards include:

  • Name on the ‘recognition’ whiteboard in the classroom.
  • A postcard home
  • Dojo/Pride points given for good playground or PE behavior, or for exceptional work
  • An individual token award e.g. Sticker.
  • A visit to another member of staff / HT for positive commendation.
  • A public word of praise in front of a group, class, key stage or the school.
  • School Certificates and awards, formally presented.
  • Golden Book – Any member of the school team is encouraged to add to this book. The Golden Book is read out during Celebration Assemblies
  • Hot Chocolate with the Headteacher on a Friday

In addition to the reward system, class teachers are responsible for creating a positive ethos through praise and rewards for good work and behaviour in their classrooms. Teachers establish their own methods of rewarding positive behaviour with a consistent approach (using Class Dojo) and to suit the individual needs of their pupils. For example, this may include table group points.


Steps for dealing with poor behavior


Reminder, Caution, Last Chance, Time out, Repair.

  • Reminder - of the rules, and the three step routine, delivered privately.
  • Caution - deliver in private if possible, make the child aware of his/her behaviour and clearly outline consequence if he/she continues eg having time out. Use phrase “think carefully about your next step“
  • Last chance -  (includes a 2 minute “inconvenience” after class)- Speak to the child in private, give him/her a final opportunity to engage. Offer him/her a positive choice to do  and use the micro script (see Behaviour Blueprint). The two minutes is owed when the child reaches this step, it is not part of a future negotiation on behaviour, it cannot be removed reduced or substituted.
  • Time out –  If the child hasn’t engaged after the third reminder he/she needs a 5 minute time out this is a few minutes for the child to think about his/her behaviour and calm down. Followed by:
  • Repair - this might be a quick chat at breaktime in the playground or more formal meeting. (See restorative questions)



  • If a child is disruptive in class and has not responded to verbal reminders of values and expectations, a flexible ‘time out’ system is in place across our school. A pupil who has been given a verbal warning during a lesson may, by prior arrangement between staff, be sent to another classroom for a short period of time. This will always be recorded on our CPOMS system for future reference.
  • We have high expectations and expect all children to do their best. 

