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Class 6

Welcome to Class 6

Year 3

Class Teacher

Mr Bell

Class Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jarosz 

PPA Cover

Mr Richards and Mrs Jarosz



Summer Term 2

Hello and welcome to the Class 6 page. Most of the information you require about Class 6 can likely be found here, however, feel free to get in touch with me via the office or catch me at the door if you have any other questions. I tend to keep parents updated on what we've been doing and any areas for development with a weekly or fortnightly post on Class Dojo. If for whatever reason you are not connected to the Class 6 Dojo page, please follow this link: 


In this final half term we will be reading The Ancient Egypt Sleepover; a brilliant book by Stephen Davies, very much in the style of the Eric Appleby series by Dan Worsley which has been a real hit already this year. This book will form the basis of learning to write fantasy narratives before moving to our non-fiction focus of learning to write letters. In maths we will be spending some more time on the four main operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as re-visiting areas including time, shape and fractions.
Our focus in History is going to the ancient Egyptians which links nicely to our English text. If anybody has been to Egypt and has any pictures, books, artefacts etc. Please feel free to bring them in. We will be looking into sound in science and learning all about how sound travels and how we hear different sounds. In addition to this, we have a wide range of other subjects including PSHE, RE, art, music and more. For more specific information about anything we are covering, please feel free to contact me directly.



Class 6 Summer 2 Timetable

Home Learning




Online Learning

Children should access each online learning platform 3 times a week

Home Learning Grid

These are suggested home learning tasks that promote curiosity in the subjects the children are currently learning.




Daily reading


Home Learning Grid

Class 1


Class 2


Daily reading


Starbooks treat

Read at least 4 times a week for a stamp

5 stamps = treat for the half term

Year 1


Year 2


TT Rockstars 


Spelling Shed

Home Learning Grid

Class 3


Class 4


Class 5


Daily reading


Starbooks treat

Read at least 4 times a week for a stamp

5 stamps = treat for the half term

TT Rockstars 


Spelling Shed



Home Learning Grid


Class 6


Class 7


Class 8


Daily reading


Starbooks treat

Read at least 4 times a week for a stamp

5 stamps = treat for the half term

TT Rockstars 


Spelling Shed


Y5 Atom Prime


Y6 SATs companion

Home Learning Grid


Class 9


Class 10


Class 11

The children’s passwords are in the front of their green reading record.

Class dojo is used for parental communication, reminders and for photos of activities at school.
