Welcome to Class 7
Year 3 and 4
Class Teacher
Mrs Hartland
Class Teaching Assistants
Mrs Jarosz
PPA Cover
Mrs Maycock
Spring 1
This half term, we will be writing a short narrative based on 'The Longest Night of Charlie Noon' by Christopher Edge, and looking at a variety of different texts in our English lessons to create a poem around the theme of light. In science, we will be learning all about light, Sikhism in RE, computing systems in computing and looking at keeping safe' in PSHE. In history, we will learning about crime and punishment in Lancashire and during our art lessons, we will be learning how to use different printing techniques.
PE Days
Forest School- Tuesday afternoon
PE- Wednesday afternoon
Please arrive to school in your PE kit:
Plain, dark tracksuit bottoms/Plain, dark shorts
Plain white t-shirt
Blue school jumper/cardigan/hoodie (no other hoodies)
No earrings
Home Learning
| Reading | Online Learning Children should access each online learning platform 3 times a week | Home Learning Grid These are suggested home learning tasks that promote curiosity in the subjects the children are currently learning. |
| Daily reading |
| Home Learning Grid
KS1 | Daily reading
Reading Miles Passport | Year 1 Year 2
| Home Learning Grid
LKS2 | Daily reading
Reading Miles Passport |
| Home Learning Grid
UKS2 | Daily reading
Reading Miles Passport |
| Home Learning Grid
The children’s passwords are in the front of the green reading record.
Class dojo is used for parental communication, reminders and for photos of activities at school