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Class 10

Welcome to Class 10

Year 5 and 6

Class Teacher

Mr Wilkinson

Mrs. North works with the Year 5 pupils in the mornings and some Year 6s in the afternoons.

Class Teaching Assistant

Mrs Oldfield

PPA Cover

Miss Moss

(Wednesday afternoon)

Mrs. Maycock

(Tuesday afternoon)

Guitar Performance March 2024

Still image for this video

Year 6 SAT tests

All done for this year! Well done Year 6!  Next year's test will be on the week commencing Mon 12th May 2025. 


Summer Term 2nd Half

The final term of the year and the final term at Crawshawbooth for you Year 6s! There'll be lots of transition fun to be had such as visit days to high schools, celebration events and a leaver's assembly - see Dojo for specific dates and logistics. 

In Class, we'll be reading 'The Last Bear' and basing our writing around this, as well as taking part in quiz shows, completing puzzles and designing amazing maths designs in Maths.  We'll be looking at the Anglo-Saxons in History, plant life cycles outdoors in Science and creating healthy spag bols in D.T.!

PE Days

Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays.

Please arrive to school in your PE kit:

Plain, dark tracksuit bottoms/Plain, dark shorts

Plain white t-shirt

Blue school jumper/cardigan/hoodie (no other hoodies)


No earrings

Home Learning




Online Learning

Children should access each online learning platform 3 times a week

Home Learning Grid

These are suggested home learning tasks that promote curiosity in the subjects the children are currently learning.




Daily reading


Home Learning Grid

Class 1


Class 2


Daily reading


Starbooks treat

Read at least 4 times a week for a stamp

5 stamps = treat for the half term

Year 1


Year 2


TT Rockstars 


Spelling Shed

Home Learning Grid

Class 3


Class 4


Class 5


Daily reading


Starbooks treat

Read at least 4 times a week for a stamp

5 stamps = treat for the half term

TT Rockstars 


Spelling Shed



Home Learning Grid


Class 6


Class 7


Class 8


Daily reading


Starbooks treat

Read at least 4 times a week for a stamp

5 stamps = treat for the half term

TT Rockstars 


Spelling Shed


Y5 Atom Prime


Y6 SATs companion

Home Learning Grid


Class 9


Class 10


Class 11

The children’s passwords are in the front of their green reading record.

Class dojo is used for parental communication, reminders and for photos of activities at school.
