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  • Snow Day 10/03/23

    The government recently passed a law to ensure work is set for children to complete at home when schools have unforeseeable school closures.

    We do, however, understand that snow is very exciting and a day like this doesn't come very often.  Therefore, we have made a list of educational AND fun activities that your child could complete today if at all possible (We know you may also still be working and struggling to entertain children at the same time, so feel free to do as much or as little from the list as you can manage).

    1. Go sledging.  Time how long it takes to travel similar distances ono different hills, inclines.  Was is faster on a steeper hill? When did you not move without a push/pull?

    2.  Make a snow family of snowmen. Measure them and compare their heights/girths.  How much taller is A than B? Who is the shortest?

    3. Snowball investigation.  Make 3 similar sized snowballs.  Wrap them in 3 different materials, keep them in the same place and see which melts slowest/quickest. 

    4.  Writing in the snow.  Can you create patterns, practise your handwriting or write your times tables out in the snow?

    5.  Back inside after fun in the snow, why not read your reading book and get cosy, access our online resources like Numbots or Purple Mash, and complete a puzzle/jigsaw?

    Finally, send it your creative snow pictures and there will be a book prize for each key stage (EYFS, INFANTS and JUNIORS) for our favourite. Have fun and stay safe.