Geography Subject Leader - Mrs N Holden
Humanities Governor - Mrs S Finch
Geography Intent Statement
Through Geography, we aim to stimulate children’s interest of their surroundings; to encourage a sense of responsibility for the care of the Earth and an understanding of people different to themselves and to develop enquiring minds through both indoor and outdoor classroom and field activities.
In Geography we aim to:
- foster in children an interest, understanding and enjoyment of geography.
- enable children to gain knowledge of their locality and the processes which have changed their world.
- encourage children to make comparisons between the environment and communities at a local, national and global level.
- nurture an enquiring mind, the ability to investigate, analyse, evaluate and communicate findings and opinions.
- develop specific geographical skills through the use of maps, atlases and measuring equipment (weather).
- improve factual knowledge of geographical features throughout the world (oceans, continents)
- enhance children’s sense of responsibility for the care of the Earth and its people.
- Deliver exciting first hand geographical experiences throughout outdoor learning.